Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sexually Starved & Selfish

So, Michael Baisden's topic on his radio show yesterday was about (among other things) liars. Specifically, he asked the audience to call in to explain why men have to lie, when there were quite many women ready, willing, and able to accept a man who is either married or otherwise involved. Some women just don't mind.

Some of his male callers came up with basically what amounts to excuses for their dishonesty, stating reasons such as they didn't think the "other woman" would stick around. Baisden's Mama chimed in with an explanation that made sense: the men don't want their women to go and do the same thing or exercise their options. Baisden said he thought it was plain silly for 45 year old men to still have to lie to get what they wanted, and I agree whole-heartedly! A female caller said she boiled it down to selfishness, which is also an excellent point. What type of person must you be to justify to yourself, and REALLY believe that it is simply and perfectly acceptable to lie as long as the ultimate goal is to satisfy your carnal desires, disregarding anyone else's needs, feelings, and human rights to honesty (at least in my opinion)? I think people like that are really sick and twisted, personally. Selfishness and dishonesty are some of the most loathesome of personality traits that a person can possess, and why does it seem that Atlanta is filled with its share of these kind of people.

Not to knock Atlanta, but let's take today. A friend of mine (who shall remain nameless) calls me today to tell me he had the best sex yesterday. He sounded really (and I mean, REALLY) elated, and I was quite happy for him. I thought, "Good, his wife finally gave him some. Maybe he can stop asking me for it". Well, I was wrong. She was an "old friend" who just "happened" to call him out of the blue after several years. Newly divorced and horny (those are my words, not his), she invited him over spontaneously after brief conversation, and then again just "happened" to come to the door in a bathrobe. What transpired next, beginning right there on the foyer floor, is probably too risque even for this blog, but let's just say 4 hours, 5 condoms, and 8 orgasms later, 2 more sexually starved selfish people in Atlanta had their bodies blissfully satisfied.

The display of complete abandon for his wife by both of them is nothing to be naive or surprised about. Just another day in the ATL. ;)

I was actually fascinated. I wanted to know more. Like, "What happens next? Do you guys start an affair now?"
He said, "That's up to her."
So, I continued, "What if she gets attached emotionally?"
"Well, she knew, so if she does, that's on her," he responded carelessly.
"But," I still wondered aloud, "what if she starts calling the house and acting crazy and all that?"
He responded, "Well, that's a bridge I'll just have to cross when I get to it." Wow, I thought. "Are you willing to risk all that?"
He said, "Men are stupid. Look at Bill Clinton."
I guess I do ask lots of loaded questions, the next of which would be no different. "Do you love your wife?"
He responded, "I love her, but I'm not in love with her."

People, will wonders ever cease?

I cannot neglect to mention that just the very day before all this cavorting took place, the bride and groom had just thrown a lovely BBQ at their home, sent out invitations, purchased groceries, seasoned meats, baked cakes from scratch, cooked and grilled for 2 days preparing for the big event. 45 guests, including family and friends, marveling at the lovely couple, their happy, palacial home, probably the envy of many.

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